Help Me Grow | LA


Together We Can Make a Difference

for the Families We Serve

Help Me Grow LA helps families find services that can support their child's development by helping local community programs and services work together. First 5 LA and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health are joining with partners to make sure all children get connected to the services they need. When it comes to helping families, we all can work together – providers, local agencies and the community – to do better.
"Getting connected to Help Me Grow LA has been a great support to me and my family. We noticed our child was not reaching his developmental milestones and I had questions. Help Me Grow LA connected us to a regional center in our community." 
- Wanda, Parent of a 4-year old child



Help Me Grow LA Around Town

bus ad

Have you seen our bus posters around town? Help Me Grow LA recently launched an advertising campaign at 29 bus stops throughout Los Angeles County, with at least two in each of the service planning areas. The ads, which will be up until September 15, will create awareness about Help Me Grow LA and encourage families to discuss their child’s development with their doctor. If you see one, take a picture next to it, share it on your social media to help increase awareness about Help Me Grow LA and tag us @lapublichealth.   




Is Your Child Ready to Transition Out of Early Start?

women with mother and son
When your child turns 3, it is time to start planning their “graduation” from the Early Start program provided by Regional Centers. This is an opportunity to celebrate your child’s progress and get them ready for the next phase in their developmental journey. At the age of 3, eligibility changes for early intervention services and children transition out of the Early Start program. Your child may continue to receive Regional Center services through the Lanterman Act program. Lanterman Act is a law in California that allows children after they turn 3 to receive all the services without a developmental disability diagnosis and only 2 functional limitations. Children and youth ages 3 to 21 with disabilities may also be eligible for special education through their local school district. If your child is receiving services, your Regional Center will set up a transition meeting when your child turns 2 years and 9 months to determine if your child is eligible for continued services. Your child may or may not need special services after Early Start. Either way, Help Me Grow LA’s Family Partners are also available to help you navigate the transition process. Visit  

Did You Know? Breastfeeding Improves Child Development

mother daughter

August is National Breastfeeding Month and a perfect time to highlight the benefits of breastfeeding. There are many ways breastfeeding can boost your child’s well-being. For parents who are able to do so, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies be exclusively breastfed for at least the first 6 months of life. Breastmilk contains essential nutrients and omega-3 fatty acids which helps develop and maintain healthy brain tissue. Studies have shown that breastfed babies have improved cognitive and emotional development compared to babies who are formula fed. The bonding and emotional contact with mom also has positive effects on a child’s intellectual development during their first year of life, including verbal and performance IQ. Visit CDC's Breastfeeding website to learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding. 



We’re Hiring for SPA 6

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Help Me Grow LA is looking for a parent to work part-time as Family Partner in SPA 6 (South LA). Family Partners are parents of children with special needs who are placed regionally in Wellness Communities and other locations. Family Partners help parents navigate the system by giving practical advice and resources, while advocating for change in their local communities. Help us spread the word! See the HMG LA Family Partner Job Flier; potential candidates can apply at the Healthcare Staffing Professionals website.