Application & Eligibility/Need

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CalWORKs Stage 1 Child Care, in partnership with the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS), offers childcare to eligible adult participants receiving public assistance. This includes potential access to in-home childcare services. It supports families for up to 24 months after discontinuing cash assistance, provided they meet eligibility criteria.
Adult applicant must:
  • be a CalWORKs cash aid recipient
  • have an intent to participate with Gain
  • have a child up to age 12 or special need individual aged 13-21
No application is needed if the eligible participant is a current CalWORKs recipient. The participant must contact their GAIN or TAD case worker and ask them to be referred to our services. 



CalWORKs Stage 2 Child Care provides financial assistance to families who were previously on public assistance through the Department of Public Services. It supports families for up to 24 months after discontinuing cash assistance, provided they meet eligibility criteria.
Adult participant must meet one (1) of the following criteria:
  • Employed/Self-Employed
  • Seeking Employment
  • Participating in Vocational Training
  • Participating in an Educational Program
  • Incapacitated
  • Seeking Permanent Housing
  • Have a child under Child Protective Services (CPS)
  • Have a child that is At Risk
  • A family who has a member of its household who is certified to receive benefits from the following means-tested government: Medi-Cal, CalFresh, California Food Assistance Program, California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), The Federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, CalWORKs
Adult participant must:
  • be a current CalWORKs cash aide recipient; or a former CalWORKs aid recipient who received CalWORKs (cash aid) within the last 24 months
  • have a child up to age 12 or a special need individual aged 13-21
  • be within the 85% State Median Income ceiling (see chart below)
Means-Tested Government Program
State Fiscal Year 2024-25 (effective 07-01-2024)
Schedule of Income Ceilings (85% of SMI)
Family Size Family Monthly Income Family Annual Income
1-2 $6,595 $79,143
3 $7,472 $89,660
4 $8,712 $104,544
5 $10,106 $121,271
6 $11,500 $137,998
7 $11,761 $141,134
8 $12,023 $144,270
9 $12,284 $147,407
10 $12,545 $150,543
11 $12,807 $153,679
12 $13,068 $156,816
Parents who wish to apply through Stage 2 can request to speak to a Caseload Technician for enrollment process HERE



CalWORKs Stage 3 Child Care offers ongoing childcare support to families who have completed 24 months of eligibility in CalWORKs Stage 1 or Stage 2. It ensures a seamless transition without interruption in childcare services. 

Adult participant must meet one (1) of the following criteria:
  • Employed/Self-Employed
  • Seeking Employment
  • Participating in Vocational Training
  • Participating in an Educational Program
  • Incapacitated
  • Seeking Permanent Housing
  • Have a child under Child Protective Services (CPS)
  • Have a child that is At Risk
  • A family who has a member of its household who is certified to receive benefits from the following means-tested government: Medi-Cal, CalFresh, California Food Assistance Program, California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), The Federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, CalWORKs

Adult participant must:
  • have fully utilized the family’s twenty 24 months of eligibility in Stage 1 or Stage 2 (from the date they stopped receiving cash aid assistance)
  • have a child up to age 12 or special need individual aged 13-21
  • be within the 85% State Median Income ceiling (see chart below)
State Fiscal Year 2024-25 (effective 07-01-2024)
Schedule of Income Ceilings (85% of SMI)
Family Size Family Monthly Income Family Annual Income
1-2 $6,595 $79,143
3 $7,472 $89,660
4 $8,712 $104,544
5 $10,106 $121,271
6 $11,500 $137,998
7 $11,761 $141,134
8 $12,023 $144,270
9 $12,284 $147,407
10 $12,545 $150,543
11 $12,807 $153,679
12 $13,068 $156,816
Active adult participant from Stage 1 or Stage 2 will be automatically transferred into the Stage 3 program. No application is necessary.



The Alternative Payment Program (CAPP) provides financial support for employed parents, students, or individuals in job training by subsidizing childcare costs. Eligible participants must meet State income guidelines and engage in approved activities, with payments made directly to childcare providers. It serves as an alternative child care option for parents who do not qualify for CalWORKs Stages 1, 2, or 3. 

Adult applicant must meet one (1) of the following criteria:
  • Employed/Self-Employed
  • Seeking Employment
  • Participating in Vocational Training
  • Participating in an Educational Program
  • Incapacitated
  • Seeking Permanent Housing
  • Have a child under Child Protective Services (CPS)
  • Have a child that is At Risk
  • A family who has a member of its household who is certified to receive benefits from the following means-tested government: Medi-Cal, CalFresh, California Food Assistance Program, California Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), The Federal Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, Head Start, Early Head Start, CalWORKs

Adult applicant must:
  • have a child up to age 12 or special need individual aged 13-21
  • be within the 85% State Median Income ceiling (see chart below)

State Fiscal Year 2024-25 (effective 07-01-2024)
Schedule of Income Ceilings (85% of SMI) 
Family Size Family Monthly Income Family Annual Income
1-2 $6,595 $79,143
3 $7,472 $89,660
4 $8,712 $104,544
5 $10,106 $121,271
6 $11,500 $137,998
7 $11,761 $141,134
8 $12,023 $144,270
9 $12,284 $147,407
10 $12,545 $150,543
11 $12,807 $153,679
12 $13,068 $156,816
Complete the Pomona Unified School District Eligibility List Application linked below. Enrollment into Alternative Payment Program (CAPP) is contingent on available funding and income ranking per the State’s guidelines. Completing an application does not guarantee enrollment into the Alternative Payment Program (CAPP).
For more information, visit:
Enrollment into this program is based on the State Income Ranking See table attached below:



The Emergency Child Care Bridge Program, in collaboration with the Department of Children and Families Services, aims to improve the placement success of foster children by expanding opportunities for placement in home-based family care settings. It provides financial assistance to foster families for childcare needs.
The Bridge Program addresses child care needs as a barrier for families otherwise willing to bring a child in the foster care system into their home, and for parenting youth in the foster care system. It provides time limited vouchers for child care and child care navigator services.
There is also Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) training and coaching component for child care providers to enhance their ability to provide nurturing and safe environments for children.
The Bridge Program is not an entitlement, instead it is a time limited “bridge” to long-term child care solutions used at the time of placement to stabilize children in the best possible settings ensuring that caretakers have adequate support to balance their work and home lives.
Adult applicant must contact their social worker and ask for a referral to our services.